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The difference between coaches and therapists

My role as a coach differs from that of a therapist.

Both serve a vital purpose in recovery!


  • Can diagnose and “treat” eating disorders

  • Can diagnose and treat other comorbid issues (e.g. depression, anxiety, substance abuse, etc)

  • Therapists are trained to help clients work on underlying issues exploring the WHY the eating disorder might have developed

  • Therapy sessions are generally one hour and take place in an office setting

  •  Therapists are in charge of the ongoing assessment, establishing treatment goals and carrying out the overall treatment plan


  • Does not diagnose conditions or treat them. Instead, helps support the work and goals of the client’s clinicians

  • Refers to a therapist for treatment of any co-morbid issues (e.g. depression, anxiety, substance abuse)

  • Coaches are trained to work on the “here and now” helping the client to accomplish day to day behavior changes

  • Coaching sessions can be held anywhere, anytime the client needs them, in the home, at the grocery store, at work, at school, at restaurants – and coaches can be hired as 24/7 live-ins and are available for day to day support by text and email.

  • Coaches assist clients in accomplishing established treatment goals.

Disclaimer:  As a coach, I am not a licensed health or mental health practitioner and do not take the place of such, thus I cannot provide medical, nutritional, psychological or other services designated for practice by a licensed professional, provide treatment, or give professional advice. If you are seeking a diagnosis or treatment for a physical or mental health concern, please seek advice from a licensed clinician or physician. The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only. Nothing in this website should be considered or used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

      (adapted from Mary Oliver)

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